pilates prescription online banner

On-demand bite-sized or mega-sized Pilates classes.

Delivers transformative results, even when time is scarce.

The Back Lab is a 12-week program tailored to you.

Reduce, manage & eliminate your lower back pain.

Access quick energizing flows (microdoses) to longer, more focused sessions (megadoses), you'll have the freedom to customize your practice and progress at your own pace.


Pilates is medicine for your soul


Pilates is medicine for your soul //

Is right for 

Pilates Prescription

  • You are seeking a gentle, stress-busting workout that builds your strength, helps you sleep and keeps your aches and pains at bay.

  • You're struggling to balance your workout goals with your packed calendar

  • Your doctor or physiotherapist has suggested that Pilates could be an effective way to manage your aches and pains.

  • You want to take your workouts to the next level by staying injury free with proven bespoke Pilates exercises to support your active lifestyle.

  • Even if you’re not thinking about it now - you will be preparing yourself for your senior years so you’ll always be independent!

  • You’re finally ready to stop telling yourself that you will start on Monday and start now!

You if

Achieve deep core strength, better mobility, reduce your stress and see an increase in energy in just 90 days 

pilates online subscription benefits




Access to a comprehensive library of on-demand Pilates classes and access scheduled live classes with Rebecca designed to fit your schedule, skill level, and specific goals.


A stronger core, improved stability and balance plus develop a more resilient and capable body, empowering you to tackle daily activities and physical challenges with more ease.


Improved posture, flexibility, and mind-body awareness, as you learn to move with efficiency, and a deeper understanding of how your body functions and feels.


Expert guidance on areas of concern. Rebecca is a fully qualified mat and equipment teacher, pre and post nataly trained - including training on diastasis and a lower back pain practitioner through Body Control Pilates and the UK charity Backcare UK.


The ability to drag and drop your workouts from the app into your phone calender so that you never miss a workout again!


  • Having taken Pilates with Rebecca for over two years now, it is evident how it has not only changed the shape of my body but has contributed to my overall positive health. Mind, body and soul, Rebecca has always taken an individual approach to learning. Her classes are fun and engaging!


  • I really look forward to my weekly Pilates class with Rebecca. She’s so great at motivating us and I really feel I come away having burned some good calories. As I have to be more cautious with my ankles from an operation I had years ago . She really caters for me and works at my pace even without a group setting .


  • I have both started and quit many forms of exercise over the years and Rebecca’s Pilates is the only one I’ve wanted to stick to! I’ve learnt to love Pilates and it is only testament to Rebecca’s dedication and experience. Thank you Rebecca for creating an environment where both mental and physical well-being are treated equally.


  • Rebecca is without doubt the most knowledgeable and supportive instructor I’ve ever had. She has an innate ability to use the equipment to its most effective and unexpected ways that have inspired in me a great love for Pilates. Every session with her is uplifting and highly restorative and I could not recommend her more highly.


  • A library of pre-recorded Pilates classes ranging from 5 - 45 minutes.

  • A choice of target areas such as glutes, core or upper body or even weighted, stretch or healthy backs.

  • Scheduled live classes with Rebecca as your teacher.

  • Recordings of any missed live sessions.

  • Ability to filter classes via length, target area, menstrual cycle and many more!

  • Pilates challenges to keep you motivated and to help you stay accountable.

  • Community chats to connect with Rebecca and the community.

  • Push notifications and workout reminders.

  • Ability to favourite and organize classes to repeat.

Here’s what’s inside:


  • You're constantly juggling the demands of work, family, and personal life, feeling like there's never enough time in the day to take care of yourself let alone workout!

  • Exercise has become an afterthought, something you know you should do but struggle to fit into your packed schedule.

  • Feeling like you're running on empty, with stress, aches, and pains taking a toll on your body and mind.

  • You know that movement is important for your well-being, but the thought of high-intensity workouts leaves you feeling overwhelmed and exhausted before you even begin.


What People Are Saying

“I can highly recommend Rebecca @pilates_prescription she’s working wonders for my dodgy back issues, she’s patient and informative, professional and I can already feel my core strength improving.”

— Member

“I’ve just completed another body mat work class online and completely loved it! Such a great way to supplement our weekly reformer classes and keep my Pilates practice going during the holidays. The micro doses are great too, so easy to fit into my morning routine”

— Member

Meet Your Teacher

Based in the UK, Pilates Prescription was founded by Rebecca Dadoun. Coming from a career in the finance industry, Rebecca is dedicated to sharing the power of Pilates.

Rebecca discovered the magic of Pilates when she was recovering from the difficult delivery of her first child. After over a year of training, she began teaching in studios.

She opened her boutique practice to create a Pilates space that welcomes all bodies and abilities. Rebecca’s refreshing approach to Pilates learning and teaching practices is at the heart of Pilates Prescription.

Rebecca's qualifications extend through the Body Control Method of Pilates, further enriched with specialist training and certifications in pre and postnatal Pilates. She is also a qualified BACK 4 GOOD® practitioner for addressing lower back pain.

The way in which the classes are designed is that they are a direct reflection of what may be going on in the studio that week. The classes have been designed around real people, real bodies and real problems that walk through the door everyday!